Library Information
Please view the Owen Public Library website for up to date information or to reserve your books, videos and other materials.
New Hours!
Monday - Friday: 12pm - 6pm
Trunk Or Treat
Believe it or not, October and then Halloween will soon be here. Please watch for more information on Trunk or Treat, coming soon. We would love to have more cars and more volunteers this year. We've got a sweet thing going here. Help us keep it up!

Community Conversation
Where: Owen Public Library
When: Friday, September 27, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.
Earlier this year, the Owen Library received a grant to make our library more accessible. As part of the grant, we are required to host a community conversation and receive input from our community. The library staff and trustees would like tp know how you think we can make the library more accessible for all. Our grant is specifically written to help people who face physical obstacles in using our library but we are open to ideas about increasing accessibility for all. Please pick up a survey to fill out and return it on or before September 27th to help us get the conversation started.
Check out our current Newsletter >> click here

Donated and Discarded Materials:
Please help yourself to our donated and discarded items. Free materials will not have a library barcode on them. We invite you to leave a donation at the front desk. Donations will go towards a new roof for the library!
New checkout Periods!
In the spirit of cooperation, the Wisconsin Valley Library System, which includes all public libraries in Clark, Taylor and Marathon Counties, are trying to make all check out times uniform. This means that a few of our check out periods will change.
New Books- 14 Days Books- 21 Days Audiobooks- 21 Days
DVD’s- 7 Days Series DVDs- 14 Days
Music CDs- 14 Days Magazines- 7 Days
Library Board 2023-2025
For Voting Information- Click Here
Owen Public Library - 414 N. Central Avenue, Owen, WI 54498 | 715-229-2939