Tax Information

Link to property taxes & maps:


The Dept of Revenue put out this notice! 

This time of year it's common to receive questions related to financial assistance for property taxes. This year, you may notice an increase in calls due to economic hardships caused by the pandemic.  Below is some information to help with questions you may receive. Feel free to pass this on.

Three credits are applied directly to a property tax bill with the amounts printed separately on the bill.

1.       Lottery and Gaming Credit – if you are a Wisconsin resident, own your property and it is your primary residence, a property owner may qualify for this credit

2.       First Dollar Credit – if there is a real property improvement on the land, the property qualifies for this credit

3.       School Levy Tax Credit – all taxable real property in Wisconsin qualifies for this credit

There are also credits an individual may claim on their Wisconsin income tax return. The income tax return instructions are the best source to determine qualification for these credits.

1.       Homestead Credit – this credit has requirements that can be found in the income tax instructions or in the common questions on our website at Claiming Homestead Credit

2.       Veterans and Surviving Spouses Property Tax Credit – a credit equal to the amount of property taxes paid during the year on an eligible veteran's or surviving spouse's principal dwelling. The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) provides a certificate of eligibility. Information, instructions and request forms can be found on the DVA website.

3.       Renter's and Homeowner's School Property Tax Credit – this credit is not available if an individual claims the veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit

There is one program intended for the elderly in particular

· The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) provides property tax deferral loans for the elderly

· For more information, contact WHEDA at (800)755-7835

Financial hardship

In the case of an individual that is suffering a financial hardship due to the pandemic, encourage them to reach out to their legislators to make them aware of their situation. This is helpful for legislators when they reconvene in 2021, and possibly pursue new COVID relief legislation.

Tax credits/assistance information is included on the property tax bill backer.

If you have any further questions, you can contact me at


John Dickert

Division Administrator

State and Local Finance

Wisconsin Department of Revenue
